What Exactly is Candida Yeast?
Friday, November 17, 2006
By Mary Carlson
This article discusses candida yeast infection, which is a widespread problem, affecting millions of men and women.
Some of the symptoms produced by candida yeast overgrowth are:
� Premenstrual Tension, swelling, or feeling "puffy"
� Extreme chronic fatigue
� Vaginal Discharge
� Acne, worse at menses
� History of bladder or kidney infections
� Low sex drive, or lacking altogether
� Painful swelling breasts
� Unexplained anxiety, poor response to stress, feeling agitated all of the time
� Scanty menses, or conversely, heavy painful periods
� Low sex drive, erection problems
� Restless leg syndrome at night
� Difficult urination, or dribbling, prostate swelling
� Feeling like bowel emptying is incomplete
� Aches and pains that seem to move around the body
� Feeling blue, unexplained sadness
� Feeling dead tired all of the time, unconsciously avoiding physical activity
� Unexplained pain on the inside of legs or heels
� Chronic bladder infections or kidney infections/stones
Both Men and Women:
� Dizziness and/or blurred vision
� Sneezing attacks, highly sensitive to mold and smells
� Hemorrhoid problems
� Bad breath, and/or coated tongue
� Nightmares, poor sleep, awaken after a few hours of sleep
� Gas or rumbling in stomach shortly after eating
� Loss of taste for meat
� Severe craving for sweets and starches
� Burning feeling in stomach relieved by eating
� Bowel problems, foul odor, hard stools/constipation, or runny, laced with mucous
� Feeling drained when the weather changes
� Burning or itching anus
� Unexplained heart pounding, anxiety/panic attacks for good reason
� Eyelid and face twitching
� Constantly reaching for pick-me-up foods in the afternoon, coffee, cokes, sugared snacks
� Skin peels on sole or heel of feet, dryer and bumpy skin all over
� Pounding headaches, feeling spacey
But what exactly is yeast�and why does it cause so many problems?
Well, to begin with�. you must remember one thing: candida will live in our bodies forever, but hopefully in check. We never really know it is there, until it grows out of control. Then we know that something is very wrong.
Candida yeast is a simple cell, parasitic fungus that only takes, and never gives. It produces a nasty enterotoxin during its normal respiration that poison our system that may lead to cancer. In fact, many scientists believe that there is a close connection between systemic (whole body) candida yeast infections and the development of cancer. Candida yeast has a pronounced negative effect upon the immune system and organ functions. It even affects heart function.
When we die, it is candida yeast that starts the process of digesting our flesh. It is already living in us, so it is not much of a stretch to start consuming our tissues. I am sure you have seen fungus in the forest living off of the side of a tree trunk. If you remove it, you see the obvious damage to the tree. Well candida yeast does serious damage to internal tissues and organs as well. If you have ever experienced thrush (oral yeast) you know that it feels like your throat is on fire�that's because it is. (You had better think about that the next time you are tempted to have unprotected oral sex.)
Certain things have to take place for candida yeast to move from a subservient position in your body to a dominant position. Namely, something has to affect, or promote, the die off of the collection of beneficial flora that keeps candida yeast and a host of other parasitic pathogens in check.
Here are the main factors that promote candida yeast overgrowth in the body:
� Use of birth control pills (changes tissue ph and hormone levels)
� Having unprotected sex with a partner who has yeast overgrowth (candida yeast is easily picked up during intercourse)
� Use of antibiotics without taking acidophilus tablets two hours after each dose (you are begging for yeast overgrowth with this one since antibiotics are not yet sophisticated enough to distinguish between good bacteria and bad bacteria, it's just KILL�KILL�KILL�but one day this won't be the case.)
� High sugar diet, or high consumption of starches and carbs. (Most high yeast foods contain sugar, too. Most processed bakery foods are loaded with yeast and sugar. Beer is a high yeast food. Pay attention to your cravings, yeast knows how to feed it self� very well.) Nothing feeds candida yeast or cancer cell better than refined starches and sugar.
� Widespread vitamin and mineral deficiencies caused by high stress and poor diet, leading to low immunity. Low immunity lowers your shield and causes candida yeast the opportunity to thrive, unchecked.
� Undiagnosed cancer or AIDS. Candida yeast is often the first sign of these two conditions since they are both compromised immunity disorders. It is especially important to get tested for AIDS and probably every other sexually transmitted disease if you have had sex without a condom, or any anal sex outside of a long-term monogamous relationship.
� Radiation and Chemo are by nature immunosuppressive so candida yeast thrives during these cancer treatments. And when a person dies from complications of cancer, it is usually yeast that has taken its toll on the patient. Getting yeast under control often spells the difference between survival and death in cancer.
� Diet low in acidophilus found in sugarless yogurt or kefir, or zero ingestion of acidophilus tablets.
Now, the subject of getting control of yeast is a whole different subject that requires your dedicated participation. But one thing is for certain: getting yeast under control is perhaps one of the most rewarding things that you can do to improve your natural health and vitality. There is a major improvement in energy, mood, weight control, brain function, sexual function, and quality of sleep when candida yeast is slapped back to where it belongs. So be encouraged�.
Mary Carlson has been helping people find solutions to health problems and stay healthy naturally for over two decades. Visit her website at http://www.Remedies-for-Natural-Health.com for free heath remedies and advice. |