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Candida Yeast Infection

Candida Yeast Infection Symptoms and solution to beat it. Find the Chinese Medicine solution for your infection yeast.

Tired, Headaches, Irritable, Aches and Pains? It Could be Candida!

Friday, November 24, 2006

By Willie Jones

Tip! It is interesting to note that when you begin to eliminate the environment that yeast needs to thrive the candida will attempt to survive. This is a basic law of nature.


Many people suffer from a host of symptoms but are told by Drs. that they can't find anything wrong with them or are misdiagnosed and put on treatments that are not working for them. The difficulty is that the medical profession denies the existence of candida and therefore cannot treat it. You may find the odd healthcare professional that knows about it and will prescribe something for it.

For those of you that are not familiar with Candida, this is what it is and it may be what's bothering you.

Candida albicans is a natural inhabitant, yeast that lives in your colon. It is a small group of parasites that that co-exists with other microbes and friendly bacteria. It thrives in that toxic putrid, damp waste land. For a normally functioning colon candida is not a problem but if you are chronically constipated and backed up or if your immune system is compromised due to bad diet or over use of antibiotics, then Candida can become over abundant and change into its fungal form that can then escape through the intestinal wall and wreak absolute havoc in other parts of your body and you can experience a whole host of symptoms. It is especially insidious because it can change its form to survive much like certain bacteria can change form and become resistant to antibiotics, Candida can be resistant to antifungal. When Candida begins to proliferate it grows like a weed and sprouts long tendrils that burrow deep into the intestinal walls. This is the beginning of infection and disease. If for some reason Candida gets into your blood stream then the spores get carried along and deposited in another warm moist organ where it takes on a fungal shape and resumes its attack on the host. It can be a formidable enemy that can make your life miserable and it makes it all the more miserable when your doctor has taken a whole battery of tests and tells you there is nothing wrong with you. But you know better! You know how you feel and it is not normal!

Tip! A great number of people are able to digest only 50% of their food because the Candida parasite is robbing the body of the other 50%. The Candida parasite creates a digestive conflict that creates chaos in the intestine that results in diseases that have left a great number of doctors clueless as to what treatments to recommend.

If you have candida, you may experience some or all of these symptoms depending on the severity of this parasitic invasion:

  • constant fatigue
  • sinus problems and lots of mucus
  • interrupted sleep
  • flu like symptoms
  • aches and pains in the joints
  • especially tight neck and shoulder and increased headaches
  • dental problems
  • dark circles under the eyes
  • low grade fever
  • constipation and or diarrhea
  • gas and abdominal bloating
  • mouth and your eyes feel dry
  • Tip! To win the battle with Candida you must avoid sugar. This is more challenging than you might think.

  • unexplained rashes
  • dry brittle hair and nails
  • feeling foggy
  • restless leg syndrome
  • irregular heart beat
  • numbness or tingling in the extremities
  • feeling faint or light headed
  • lack of concentration and short term memory loss
  • shortness of breath
  • sexual dysfunction
  • sugar cravings
  • white coating on the tongue
  • intolerance to smells such as perfume, chemicals and insecticides
  • digestive disorders
  • Tip! Please consult your primary care physician for more advice on Candida and potential treatments.

  • depression
  • irritable or easily angered
  • intolerance to alcohol or gluten
  • asthma
  • hay fever
  • ear infections

These are the most common symptoms reported but there may be others. These symptoms can be moderate to severe. To find out if you have candida you can do a simple home test that has been fairly reliable to determine if candida is a problem for you.

In the morning when you wake up, before you do anything else, work up some saliva in your mouth and then spit it into a glass of clean water. Wait for about 30 minutes then check the water. One of four things may happen. If there are strings coming down from the spit floating in the water or if the water is cloudy or speckled then you may have Candida. If you don't have candida the saliva should just float on top and the water should stay clear.

Tip! Someone with an overgrowth of yeast can experience any number of unpleasant symptoms such as a yeast infection, fatigue, rash, depression and anxiety. The symptoms of Candida overgrowth are frequently treated with anti-fungal remedies.

There are several reasons why candida can become such a problem. One is over use of antibiotics. This kills the friendly flora and allows the rapid growth of candida as does Steroid abuse.

Another major factor is our environment and the changes in the food industry. Exposure to a toxic environment weakens our immune system. Living on the golf course is all nice and pretty but the reality is that you get exposed to the constant spraying of chemicals that you cannot escape from. The industry smoke stacks are built high up but you would be a fool to think it does not affect you. Cars and trucks have been a huge source of pollution for the last 60 to 70 years and we have been lulled to a non thinkingness about it. We just don't have a thought about it when we walk down the street and get bombarded with toxic petro.

Tip! � Undiagnosed cancer or AIDS. Candida yeast is often the first sign of these two conditions since they are both compromised immunity disorders.

It is the same with the food industry. We used to eat wholesome meat, fruit, vegetables and grains that were not tampered with. Now, the major players are finding ways to make food last longer with preservatives, dyes and chemical sprays. Processed food should be a no no for anyone who wants to stay healthy let alone someone who has candida or other related health problems.

What should you do to treat candida?

  • Stop eating processed foods. Other than non perishables, just go to the meat and produce department for all your food. Unless you are stocking up for a hurricane or some emergency, I don't suggest you eat anything that is not in its natural form. Organic, raw fruits and vegetables are best but, be careful not to eat too many fruits; they contain a lot of sugar. The fruits that are very high in fiber are blueberries, plums, raspberries and strawberries. � cup of theses fruits have more fiber than several bran muffins.
  • Tip! Once in the blood, Candida can cause symptoms such as migraine headaches, irritable bowel, Crohn's disease, eczema, hyperactivity, weight gain, chemical and inhalant allergies and rheumatoid arthritis. Candida �short-circuits� the body's defenses at its deepest levels.

  • Stay away from meat that has been fed hormones. If you are going to partake of dairy foods, also get it hormone free.
  • SUGAR! Yeast thrives on sugar. It loves sugar and will grow more prolific with sugar products. You will not get rid of candida unless you stop eating those cookies, desserts and chocolates. We rarely ate sugar 80 to 100 years ago, we don't need them now.
  • Drink a lot of water. This ensures that toxic material can get removed from the body. Just like a toilet will not be able to remove fecal matter without water, so is it also with the human body. Drink lots of pure water.
  • Exercise on a regular basis. This also helps to keep the intestines working correctly, not to mention all the other benefits you get by working out.
  • You can jump start your treatments by doing a coffee enema daily for a week possibly two and then once a month for maintenance. Full caffeine organic coffee works best and you should only use filtered water. Coffee enemas help remove impacted fecal matter fairly quickly and may remove the yeast and parasites. There are two herbs that you can add to the coffee solution that make it more effective. Aloe Vera and slippery elm. You can purchase these herbs in capsule form. Take two of each, break open the capsules and pour them into the coffee. They are soothing and help with inflammation.
  • Tip! While Candida may not be responsible for every illness that befalls mankind, letting it go unattended for years can lead to a variety of chronic health problems. Candida produces a potent toxin called canditoxin which suppresses the immune system at the cellular level.

  • Psyllium seed and Bentonite are also good natural sources for cleaning out the colon. Psyllium seed is used as a laxative but make sure that you drink a full glass of water or it can have the opposite effect and constipate you. Bentonite is a volcanic ash that draws toxins to it. The bentonite does not get absorbed into the system so it will be disposed of along with what ever toxins it has attached to it. The problem with these herbs is that although they do work, it can take a long time before it is effective with Candida. It can take up to a year before it is completely handled.
  • There is a new product that works much faster and is very effective for a lot of people. This is the Threelac system. Threelac products are very effective based on testimonials and has shown relief in as little as 2 to 3 weeks. There is also Threelac for children. If your child has thrush or diaper rash that does not go away, it is a yeast problem. Results vary from person to person and the degree of severity will also make a difference in how long it takes for recovery. Your body needs the friendly flora to maintain its normal ph balance. Threelacs advanced formulas work to restore your ph balance to help your body recover naturally and quickly.
  • Tip! Keeping your immune system, �friendly� bacteria, and Candida in proper balance is possible with a combination of proactive changes; by altering your current diet, and with the responsible use of medicinal or herbal treatments you can maintain a healthy body.

  • Remember, Candida feeds off sugar! Americans eat enormous amounts of sugar and is the biggest single factor in Candida over growth. Candida's appetite for sugar is insatiable. You can reduce (but not completely handle) Candida by cutting out sugar in your diet. Natural fruit and vegetable sugars should be all your body needs.

I hope this helps!

Willie Jones is an author/researcher who is dedicated to helping people find the resources, books, news and information on health and wellness.

Candida Yeast Information and Articles

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Candida yeast is a simple cell, parasitic fungus that only takes, and never gives. It produces a nasty enterotoxin during its normal respiration that poison our system that may lead to cancer. In fact, many scientists believe that there is a close connection between systemic (whole body) candida yeast infections and the development of cancer. Candida yeast has a pronounced negative effect upon the immune system and organ functions. It even affects heart function.

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How To Treat Candida

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

By Gray Rollins

Tip! Someone with an overgrowth of yeast can experience any number of unpleasant symptoms such as a yeast infection, fatigue, rash, depression and anxiety. The symptoms of Candida overgrowth are frequently treated with anti-fungal remedies.

Candida is naturally occurring yeast found in the body and its overgrowth has been found to be a frequent complication or even a causative factor in many of today's illnesses. Treatment is available and isn't as complicated as you may think.

Yeast is normally found in the mouth, throat, intestines and genitourinary tract. When friendly bacteria and a properly functioning immune system are not present, balance of the system may be lost and Candida overgrowth may occur.

Someone with an overgrowth of yeast can experience any number of unpleasant symptoms such as a yeast infection, fatigue, rash, depression and anxiety. The symptoms of Candida overgrowth are frequently treated with anti-fungal remedies. Even with these remedies, however, if your diet is not changed to create an environment within the body to prohibit the overgrowth of Candida, relief is sure to be temporary, and problem symptoms will return.

Tip! Supporting your immune system during its fight with Candida is important. The antioxidants A, C, E, zinc, selenium, Glutathione and NAC should be included.

Once you have established that you have a yeast infection there are a variety of dietary changes that you can make to improve your health. Refined sugar should be eliminated from your diet entirely as it encourages the growth of yeast. Don't eat fruit - or drink fruit juices - as they contain natural sugars that promote the growth of yeast. Don't drink beer, wine or liquor as the alcohol also provides sugar, and many of these products are fermented with yeast. Bagels, muffins, pastries, breads and crackers should also be eliminated from the diet as they contain yeast and sugar. Anything with vinegar - which is made with yeast culture - should be avoided as well. Mushrooms should be avoided as should peanuts and peanut butter, cheeses, and meats that are dried, smoked or pickled. Beverages that should be avoided are fermented drinks such as root beer and cider, black tea, and coffee, including decaffeinated.

Tip! � Radiation and Chemo are by nature immunosuppressive so candida yeast thrives during these cancer treatments. And when a person dies from complications of cancer, it is usually yeast that has taken its toll on the patient.

Both herbal remedies and prescribed medications can be helpful in treating a yeast infection. Increasing your intake of raw garlic and soluble fiber will help your body to fight the yeast infection. A supplemental dose of acidophilus will help to make your intestinal track more acidic which helps to kill off the Candida. Other recommended supplements include volatile oils, such as peppermint oil or oregano oil in capsule form as the straight liquid may be toxic, tea tree oil and olive leaf extract. Check with your herbalist as to dose, mode of use and formulations. For antifungal remedies not available over the counter check with your doctor about side effects, costs and availability.

Early in the treatment many people notice a worsening of their symptoms. When the Candida is killed it releases proteins and toxins. This process is known as die-off and is temporary. With strict adherence to the diet, and treatment regime the patient will usually begin to notice improvements in two to four weeks.

Tip! Someone with an overgrowth of yeast can experience any number of unpleasant symptoms such as a genital yeast infection, thrush in the mouth, fatigue, skin rash, depression and anxiety. The symptoms of Candida overgrowth are frequently treated with anti-fungal remedies.

Keeping your immune system, "friendly" bacteria, and Candida in proper balance is possible with a combination of proactive changes; by altering your current diet, and with the responsible use of medicinal or herbal treatments you can maintain a healthy body.

About The Author
Gray Rollins is a featured writer for http://www.candidarelief.com.
For more information about a candida diet, visit http://www.candidarelief.com/candidadiet/.

How Do You Know If You Have Candida

Sunday, November 19, 2006

By Gray Rollins

Tip! As Candida is a normal component of the body's natural flora, using conventional laboratory testing to determine the need for treatment isn't always helpful, and generally can only help to diagnose the late stages of a yeast infection. Current methodologies for testing include checking for the presence of yeast cells in the urine, saliva and stool, or the gut fermentation test which involves testing the blood for alcohol, dosing the patient with sugar and testing their blood again � if alcohol shows up in their blood it is assumed it has occurred from fermentation from the yeast in their gut.

Candida overgrowth has been found to be a frequent complication or even a causative factor in many of today's illnesses. Treatment is available but diagnosis has to come first.

Yeast is normally found in the mouth, throat, intestines and genitourinary tract. Its presence in the body is not normally problematic and is balanced by a well-functioning immune system and friendly bacteria. If the immune system ceases to function properly, or the level of friendly bacteria in the body becomes too low - as can happen when too many antibiotics are introduced to the body, when steroids are used, when everyday stress becomes overwhelming or with poor diet choices - then Candida overgrowth may occur.

Someone with an overgrowth of yeast can experience any number of unpleasant symptoms such as a genital yeast infection, thrush in the mouth, fatigue, skin rash, depression and anxiety. The symptoms of Candida overgrowth are frequently treated with anti-fungal remedies. Even with these remedies, however, if your diet is not changed to create an environment within the body to prohibit the overgrowth of Candida, relief is sure to be temporary, and problem symptoms will return.

Tip! Immune weakness is probably the most obvious reason for the development of candidiasis. When the immune system is compromised the body is vulnerable to attack from a wide variety of pathogens � not just candida.

As Candida is a normal component of the body's natural flora, using conventional laboratory testing to determine the need for treatment isn't always helpful, and generally can only help to diagnose the late stages of a yeast infection. Current methodologies for testing include checking for the presence of yeast cells in the urine, saliva and stool, or the gut fermentation test which involves testing the blood for alcohol, dosing the patient with sugar and testing their blood again - if alcohol shows up in their blood it is assumed it has occurred from fermentation from the yeast in their gut.

Tip! To win the battle with Candida you must avoid sugar. This is more challenging than you might think.

It is also difficult to diagnose Candida overgrowth for a number of reasons. It shares symptoms with other conditions such as gluten intolerance and hypothyroid - and any combination of these can be present simultaneously, adding to the difficulty of diagnosis.

Another factor is that available tests are able to recognize only a few of the 150 known strains of Candida and the cells in the specimen may die while waiting for analysis resulting in a false "normal" result. Along with the test, then, other factors have to be considered before a diagnosis can be made. The doctor must consider if the patient has a history of factors that are known to result in Candida infections and establish that there are symptoms present associated with it. Additionally, the knowledgeable physician will experiment with dietary and antifungal therapy to see if the there are reactions consistent with Candida overgrowth.

Tip! These represent the main medical treatments for candida. It is important that you ensure your body has a good balance of bacteria in order for it to function well.

Both herbal remedies and prescribed medications can be helpful in treating a yeast infection along with dietary and lifestyle changes. Check with your herbalist as to dose, mode of use and formulations. For antifungal remedies not available over the counter check with your doctor about side effects, costs and availability.

Researchers are working on discovering better testing protocols to establish earlier the need for treatment.

Keeping your immune system, "friendly" bacteria, and Candida in proper balance is possible with a combination of proactive changes; by altering your current diet, and with the responsible use of medicinal or herbal treatments you can maintain a healthy body.


About The Author
Gray Rollins is a featured writer for http://www.candidarelief.com.
For more information about a candida diet, visit http://www.candidarelief.com/candidadiet/.

What Exactly is Candida Yeast?

Friday, November 17, 2006

By Mary Carlson

Tip! Someone with an overgrowth of yeast can experience any number of unpleasant symptoms such as a yeast infection, fatigue, rash, depression and anxiety. The symptoms of Candida overgrowth are frequently treated with anti-fungal remedies.

This article discusses candida yeast infection, which is a widespread problem, affecting millions of men and women.

Some of the symptoms produced by candida yeast overgrowth are:


� Premenstrual Tension, swelling, or feeling "puffy"

� Extreme chronic fatigue

� Vaginal Discharge

� Acne, worse at menses

� History of bladder or kidney infections

� Low sex drive, or lacking altogether

� Painful swelling breasts

� Unexplained anxiety, poor response to stress, feeling agitated all of the time

� Scanty menses, or conversely, heavy painful periods


� Low sex drive, erection problems

� Restless leg syndrome at night

� Difficult urination, or dribbling, prostate swelling

� Feeling like bowel emptying is incomplete

� Aches and pains that seem to move around the body

� Feeling blue, unexplained sadness

� Feeling dead tired all of the time, unconsciously avoiding physical activity

� Unexplained pain on the inside of legs or heels

� Chronic bladder infections or kidney infections/stones

Both Men and Women:

Tip! Keeping your immune system, �friendly� bacteria, and Candida in proper balance is possible with a combination of proactive changes; by altering your current diet, and with the responsible use of medicinal or herbal treatments you can maintain a healthy body.

� Dizziness and/or blurred vision

� Sneezing attacks, highly sensitive to mold and smells

� Hemorrhoid problems

� Bad breath, and/or coated tongue

� Nightmares, poor sleep, awaken after a few hours of sleep

� Gas or rumbling in stomach shortly after eating

� Loss of taste for meat

� Severe craving for sweets and starches

� Burning feeling in stomach relieved by eating

� Bowel problems, foul odor, hard stools/constipation, or runny, laced with mucous

� Feeling drained when the weather changes

� Burning or itching anus

� Unexplained heart pounding, anxiety/panic attacks for good reason

� Eyelid and face twitching

� Constantly reaching for pick-me-up foods in the afternoon, coffee, cokes, sugared snacks

� Skin peels on sole or heel of feet, dryer and bumpy skin all over

� Pounding headaches, feeling spacey

But what exactly is yeast�and why does it cause so many problems?

Well, to begin with�. you must remember one thing: candida will live in our bodies forever, but hopefully in check. We never really know it is there, until it grows out of control. Then we know that something is very wrong.

Candida yeast is a simple cell, parasitic fungus that only takes, and never gives. It produces a nasty enterotoxin during its normal respiration that poison our system that may lead to cancer. In fact, many scientists believe that there is a close connection between systemic (whole body) candida yeast infections and the development of cancer. Candida yeast has a pronounced negative effect upon the immune system and organ functions. It even affects heart function.

Tip! Certain things have to take place for candida yeast to move from a subservient position in your body to a dominant position. Namely, something has to affect, or promote, the die off of the collection of beneficial flora that keeps candida yeast and a host of other parasitic pathogens in check.

When we die, it is candida yeast that starts the process of digesting our flesh. It is already living in us, so it is not much of a stretch to start consuming our tissues. I am sure you have seen fungus in the forest living off of the side of a tree trunk. If you remove it, you see the obvious damage to the tree. Well candida yeast does serious damage to internal tissues and organs as well. If you have ever experienced thrush (oral yeast) you know that it feels like your throat is on fire�that's because it is. (You had better think about that the next time you are tempted to have unprotected oral sex.)

Certain things have to take place for candida yeast to move from a subservient position in your body to a dominant position. Namely, something has to affect, or promote, the die off of the collection of beneficial flora that keeps candida yeast and a host of other parasitic pathogens in check.

Tip! There are certain individuals that are more prone to candida overgrowth than others. It is understood that individuals with compromised immune systems are more susceptible than others for abnormal candida growth.

Here are the main factors that promote candida yeast overgrowth in the body:

� Use of birth control pills (changes tissue ph and hormone levels)

� Having unprotected sex with a partner who has yeast overgrowth (candida yeast is easily picked up during intercourse)

� Use of antibiotics without taking acidophilus tablets two hours after each dose (you are begging for yeast overgrowth with this one since antibiotics are not yet sophisticated enough to distinguish between good bacteria and bad bacteria, it's just KILL�KILL�KILL�but one day this won't be the case.)

� High sugar diet, or high consumption of starches and carbs. (Most high yeast foods contain sugar, too. Most processed bakery foods are loaded with yeast and sugar. Beer is a high yeast food. Pay attention to your cravings, yeast knows how to feed it self� very well.) Nothing feeds candida yeast or cancer cell better than refined starches and sugar.

Tip! On the other hand, there are certain foods that can aid your body's fight against candida. Many forms of vegetables and legumes including asparagus, broccoli, spinach, celery, beans, and onions can be effective at limiting candida.

� Widespread vitamin and mineral deficiencies caused by high stress and poor diet, leading to low immunity. Low immunity lowers your shield and causes candida yeast the opportunity to thrive, unchecked.

� Undiagnosed cancer or AIDS. Candida yeast is often the first sign of these two conditions since they are both compromised immunity disorders. It is especially important to get tested for AIDS and probably every other sexually transmitted disease if you have had sex without a condom, or any anal sex outside of a long-term monogamous relationship.

� Radiation and Chemo are by nature immunosuppressive so candida yeast thrives during these cancer treatments. And when a person dies from complications of cancer, it is usually yeast that has taken its toll on the patient. Getting yeast under control often spells the difference between survival and death in cancer.

� Diet low in acidophilus found in sugarless yogurt or kefir, or zero ingestion of acidophilus tablets.

Tip! When candida takes on a dominant role in the body this potential form of virulent yeast transforms into its fungal form. This fungal state enables candida to cause damage and release dangerous toxins into the body.

Now, the subject of getting control of yeast is a whole different subject that requires your dedicated participation. But one thing is for certain: getting yeast under control is perhaps one of the most rewarding things that you can do to improve your natural health and vitality. There is a major improvement in energy, mood, weight control, brain function, sexual function, and quality of sleep when candida yeast is slapped back to where it belongs. So be encouraged�.

Mary Carlson has been helping people find solutions to health problems and stay healthy naturally for over two decades. Visit her website at http://www.Remedies-for-Natural-Health.com for free heath remedies and advice.
� and � http://www.Remedies-for-Natural-Health.com All Rights Reserved

Conquering Candida

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

By Sam Rose

Tip! A great number of people are experiencing iron deficiency due to the presence of Candida. The Candida parasites also prohibits oxygen from entering the tissues.

Candidiasis, an overgrowth of the yeast, Candida Albicans, is quite a controversial subject these days. On one side there are a few medical doctors and a slew of alternative practitioners who blame Candida for everything from migraines to cancer. On the other, the medical establishment, generally refuses to recognize the seriousness of this condition, primarily because it's symptoms so closely mimic those of other conditions. As with most controversies, the truth likely resides somewhere between the two extreme points of view. My own experience has convinced me that, to varying degrees, Candida is a problem for a large number of Americans. If you're wondering whether it's a problem for you, read on.

The symptoms of Candida overgrowth

In general, symptoms will include two or more of the following: fatigue, depression, brain fog, insomnia, bloating, gas, intestinal cramps, chronic diarrhea or constipation, sensitivity to chemicals, perfumes or other odors, loss of sex drive, allergies and food sensitivities. And that's just for starters. If you are a woman, you might also experience recurrent yeast infections, bladder infections, and have painful menstruation or PMS. A man might suffer from persistent jock itch, athlete's foot, other fungal infections, or prostititis. Symptoms in children can include recurring colds, sore throats, ear infections, and digestive problems like gas, constipation or diarrhea.

Tip! Yeast is normally found in the mouth, throat, intestines and genitourinary tract. When friendly bacteria and a properly functioning immune system are not present, balance of the system may be lost and Candida overgrowth may occur.

The most common sign of Candida is a craving for sugar and starches like bread and pasta (which quickly convert to sugar in the body). This is because Candida uses sugar as its primary fuel. Think about how many people you know who crave sweets and/or bread and you'll have some idea of the extent of this problem.

While Candida may not be responsible for every illness that befalls mankind, letting it go unattended for years can lead to a variety of chronic health problems. Candida produces a potent toxin called canditoxin which suppresses the immune system at the cellular level.

Once in the blood, Candida can cause symptoms such as migraine headaches, irritable bowel, Crohn's disease, eczema, hyperactivity, weight gain, chemical and inhalant allergies and rheumatoid arthritis. Candida "short-circuits" the body's defenses at its deepest levels. That's why attempts to rid the body of any of candida's symptoms without addressing the candida itself, usually prove futile, and why allopathic doctors have a relatively poor track record treating many of these conditions.

Tip! Keeping your immune system, �friendly� bacteria, and Candida in proper balance is possible with a combination of proactive changes; by altering your current diet, and with the responsible use of medicinal or herbal treatments you can maintain a healthy body.

Why has Candidiasis become nearly epidemic in America?

The extensive use of broad spectrum antibiotics destroys much of the "good" bacteria in our gut that would otherwise keep candida in its place. Many women are aware that taking antibiotics for a bladder infection virtually guarantees an onset of a vaginal yeast infection.

Birth control pills and estrogen replacement therapy are also thought to put women at a greater risk for Candidiasis. Yeast, a natural inhabitant of the vagina, proliferates in the presence of the estrogen in these drugs. According to Candida expert Leon Chaitow, N.D., fully 35% of women using birth control pills have associated cases of acute vaginal candidiasis.

There is no doubt that the main culprit responsible for opening the door to candida overgrowth is a poor diet, high in sugar and white flour. According to Newsweek Magazine, In Sugar We Trust (July 13, 1998), the average American now consumes 150 lbs. of sugar per year, up 28 lbs. since 1970. And we're paying the price. Our bodies' digestive and eliminative systems have become sluggish under the strain of our inadequate, sugar laden diet. When sugary foods remain in our intestines for two to three days (the average transit time for Americans) we become a veritable smorgasbord for all sorts of opportunistic organisms, including Candida Albicans.

Tip! When candida takes on a dominant role in the body this potential form of virulent yeast transforms into its fungal form. This fungal state enables candida to cause damage and release dangerous toxins into the body.

Getting Rid of Candida

To win the battle with Candida you must avoid sugar. This is more challenging than you might think. Sugar goes by many names and has a way of sneaking into our diets wearing many disguises. Make sure nothing you eat contains sucrose, dextrose, fructose, maltose, lactose, glycogen, glucose, mannitol, sorbitol, galactose, maple syrup, maple sugar, molasses, brown sugar, raw sugar, date sugar, turbinado sugar, nutra-sweet (contains lactose), aspartame, corn syrup, honey, and fruit juice. They are all sugar, and fuel for yeast. If your cravings for something sweet are strong, try Stevia, a sweet herb that is safe to use on this program.

You'll want to avoid all refined, white flour products. This includes most pastas, breads and other baked goods, which also contain yeast, another no-no. My clients have had very good results when they remove wheat altogether.

Tip! When we die, it is candida yeast that starts the process of digesting our flesh. It is already living in us, so it is not much of a stretch to start consuming our tissues.

It is also important to stay away from alcohol, and fruits - again, because of their high sugar content. All dairy products are out. Also eliminate mushrooms, sprouts, and most nuts (with the exception of almonds), because of possible mold contamination. All vinegar, except for raw apple cider vinegar, and other fermented foods, are verboten.

At this point you're probably wondering what you can eat.

One of the most important foods is protein. Because it is acid forming, protein helps to create an unfriendly environment for the alkaline dependant yeast. For the first month or two of a Candida program, eat plenty of naturally raised chicken, turkey, fish and eggs, free of hormones and antibiotics. All kinds of fresh vegetables are also great, especially ocean vegetables, because of their high mineral content.

The grains quinoa and buckwheat are made into pastas or noodles. Millet and amaranth can be substituted for rice which, because of its high glycemic index (turns to sugar quickly in the body) is also off limits for now. Beans (garbanzo, kidney, pinto, black etc.) are fine as long as they don't make you too gassy, and other starches like corn and potatoes are allowed.

Tip! While Candida may not be responsible for every illness that befalls mankind, letting it go unattended for years can lead to a variety of chronic health problems. Candida produces a potent toxin called canditoxin which suppresses the immune system at the cellular level.

Use your imagination, and this new way of eating can be a real adventure. If you need some help, there are a number of good Candida cook books on the market.


Supporting your immune system during its fight with Candida is important. The antioxidants A, C, E, zinc, selenium, Glutathione and NAC should be included. Take the load off the liver with milk thistle and lecithin. Garlic, goldenseal root, cinnamon bark, cloves, Pau d'arco, Caprylic acid, and zinc tannates all have candicidal properties.

Repopulating Candida's natural enemies, lactobacillus acidophilus, which inhabits the small intestine, and bifido bacteria which lives in the oxygen-poor environment of the colon, is very important. Look for non-dairy, high potency products.

There are potentially dozens of supplements that might be of benefit. Have a qualified nutritionist design a supplemental program that is right for you. But the fact is, regardless of which supplements you use, the key to your success will be the adjustments you make in your eating habits.

Tip! There are certain individuals that are more prone to candida overgrowth than others. It is understood that individuals with compromised immune systems are more susceptible than others for abnormal candida growth.

Candidiasis is a problem that will not go away by itself. Left unaddressed it will become entrenched, migrate from your intestines to other organs, weaken your immune system and ultimately threaten your health.

Sam Rose, CN MS is a licensed and certified nutritionist and owner of Rose Nutrition Center in West Los Angeles. He can be reached at sam@rosenutrition.com or 310-473-8835

Rose Nutrition Blog

After earning a BA in Psychology at Indiana University, Sam received his certification in nutrition (CN) from the National Institute of Nutritional Education in Aurora, Colorado and a Masters in nutrition (MS) at the Clayton College of Natural Health in Birmingham, Alabama. He is the author of dozens of articles on nutrition and has appeared on numerous local and national radio and television programs, including "Home Nutrition", a weekly 1-hour radio show he produced and co-hosted in Los Angeles.

Tip! It is interesting to note that when you begin to eliminate the environment that yeast needs to thrive the candida will attempt to survive. This is a basic law of nature.

In 1999, after 5-1/2 years as Head Nutritionist at a leading Santa Monica nutrition clinic, Sam opened Rose Nutrition Center in West Los Angeles. Since then, he has continued to help thousands of clients, including some of the top names in Hollywood, achieve their health goals.